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Chum salmon caviar 100g

Chum salmon caviar is a special delicacy from the North Pacific

Chum salmon caviar comes to our production mainly from the clean waters of Alaska and is distinguished by its exceptional quality and unique properties. This type of caviar is one of the most exquisite varieties of salmon caviar and has large, shiny grains with a diameter of about 5-7 mm. The grain size is significantly larger compared to other types of salmon caviar, which gives chum salmon caviar a special texture and unique taste. The color of chum salmon caviar varies from bright orange to light red, which makes it a visual decoration for any table. The taste of lightly salted chum salmon caviar is intense and oily, with a subtle marine shade. Unlike other types of salmon caviar, chum salmon caviar has a delicate, but at the same time elastic shell that pleasantly melts in the mouth.

Occasions and methods of serving

Chum salmon caviar is a real visual delight and an ideal choice for special occasions such as weddings, birthdays or New Year's parties. It can be served on pancakes with a spoonful of crème fraîche. It also goes well with toasted white bread or as a side dish for poached eggs and fish dishes. In addition, chum salmon caviar is considered the best choice among salmon caviar when it comes to a stylish and sophisticated gift.

Quantity and suitable drinks

For a complete gastronomic pleasure, we recommend planning about 30-50 grams of caviar per person. Dry, not too aromatic drinks go best with chum salmon caviar. The classic choice is champagne, especially Brut or Extra Brut. Dry white wines such as Chablis or Sauvignon are also great alternatives.

32.95 Price

Sturgeon Caviar 100g

Osietra caviar is one of the most expensive and sought-after delicacies in the world, a sign of refined taste and a truly exclusive product. The color of its eggs ranges from dark brown to gray-black with a golden tint. Its expressive nutty taste and rich aroma remain unchanged. The grain size is from 1.5 mm to 2.00 mm.

Osietra or Russian sturgeon (lat. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is a fish of the sturgeon family, which in natural conditions enters rivers from the sea only to spawn. Most females spawn from 8-10 years every four to five years. The average weight is about 12 kg. At the beginning of the 20th century, Russian sturgeon was widespread in Russia, hence its name. It was Russian sturgeon that laid the foundation for industrial sturgeon farming in 1955, since the caviar of this species is distinguished by its outstanding gastronomic value and exceptionally high quality. Many experts even rank it higher than beluga, although the grain of Russian sturgeon is smaller with a more elastic shell.

Caviar is always a joy that comes from the heart, for example as a gift, as a token of gratitude or a special moment of pleasure for the closest ones.

198.95 Price

Black sturgeon caviar 100g

Our store offers Russian and Siberian sturgeon caviar from reliable manufacturers at an affordable price.

To ensure that you receive a truly fresh, high-quality, proven product and can fully enjoy its taste, we carefully pack each glass jar in a special thermal package with cooling elements.

The Golden Line line offers sturgeon caviar produced in full compliance with IFS (International Food Standard) food standards.

The quality of the genuine product can be assessed "by eye": the caviar is granular, consisting of dense eggs, uniform in size and shade, without excess liquid in the jar.

The color of real caviar varies from light, gray to golden and black, depending on the age of the fish.

The highest quality and most delicious black caviar is obtained from adult fish and has a light color. "Black gold", as caviar is also called in Russian cuisine, is famous not only for its unique rich taste, but also for its high content of valuable nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Black sturgeon caviar can be both an exquisite snack and an elegant gift for loved ones.

The value of the gift will be emphasized by the Swarovski crystal, which decorates the lid of the jar with caviar.

198.95 Price

Keta Salmon Caviar 100g

Catch area: Chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta), wild catch, North Pacific Ocean, FAO 67.

Chum salmon caviar is the most valuable in terms of taste and is the largest in size. Chum salmon caviar is rich in protein and contains a large amount of polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acids. This type of caviar combines all the benefits of an exquisite delicacy.

49.95 Price

Black sturgeon caviar ROYAL 100g

It has a rich and balanced taste that delights gourmets all over the world.

Amur Royal caviar is not only similar in appearance, but also in its taste qualities to the rare beluga caviar.

Particularly large-grained and delicate sturgeon caviar Amur Royal has a rich and balanced taste that delights gourmets all over the world.

Large eggs with a diameter of three to four millimeters have a thin shell with a dark velvety sheen, under which a soft creamy texture is hidden.

The special nobility of this variety is also indicated by its characteristic dark amber color and restrained aroma.

Amur Royal caviar is the result of crossing Kaluga (lat. Huso dauricus) with Amur sturgeon (lat. Acipenser schrenckii). This unique product is an attractively priced alternative to rare beluga caviar.

185.95 Price

Gorbuscha Lachskaviar aus Kamtschatka 100g

Kaviar vom Stör gehört zu den teuersten Lebensmitteln.

Wer köstlichen, aromatischen und nährstoffreichen Rogen zum kleinen Preis geniessen will, sollte unbedingt zu Gorbuscha Kaviar greifen.

Der mild-würzige Lachsrogen aus Kamtschatka überzeugt durch Qualität und Geschmack.

Was ist Gorbuscha Kaviar?

Gorbuscha Kaviar wird vom Buckellachs gewonnen. Der als Gorbuscha bezeichnete Wildlachs kommt vor allem in Alaska und Kamtschatka vor. Ähnlich wie das zart-rosa Fleisch des Lachses ist auch der Rogen der Weibchen rötlich gefärbt. Gorbuscha Kaviar Kamtschatka zeichnet sich durch eine kräftige orange-rote Farbe aus. Die Körner des Lachsrogens sind mit durchschnittlich fünf Millimeter Durchmesser verhältnismässig gross...

35.00 Price


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