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Russian Cigarettes Sobranie Cocktail 20 Cigarettes
  • On sale! -10.00
  • -10.00

Russian Cigarettes Sobranie Cocktail 20 Cigarettes

Sobranie Cocktail

A variety of cigarettes, Sobranie Cocktail, is rightfully considered the pearl of the brand’s collection.

Tobacco products of this brand belong to the premium segment.

This product is mostly intended for the fair half of humanity due to its design.

Each cigarette in the pack is made in a different pastel color.

We can say that today this design is truly unique, since it is no longer found in any other brand. You can choose cigarettes by color to suit your mood.

Nicotine: 0.5 mg.
Tar: 5 mg.
35.00 Regular price 45.00 Price
Russian Cigarettes Sobranie Black Russian 20 Cigarettes
  • On sale!

Russian Cigarettes Sobranie Black Russian 20 Cigarettes

Made in Russia

1 pack of 20 cigarettes

Sobranie of London was founded in 1879 by the Redstone family, when cigarettes had just become fashionable in Europe.

It is one of the oldest cigarette brands in the world. Several generations of the Redstone family blended this tobacco from a secret formula.

The original cigarettes were handcrafted according to Russian tradition. Sobranie was the supplier to the Imperial Court of Russia and the Royal Courts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Spain, Romania and Greece.

In the early 1980s, the trademarks for Sobranie were sold to the Gallaher Group in various locations in Europe, who continued production with a modified formula.

Gallaher was bought by Japan Tobacco in 2007.

House of Sobranie offers a range of cigarettes marketed with luxurious premium branding.

Throughout its existence, Sobranie has been marketed as the definition of luxury in the tobacco industry and has been adopted as the official supplier of many European royal houses and elites around the world.

35.00 Price
Vladimir Putin Calendar 2025
  • Out-of-Stock

Vladimir Putin Calendar 2025

A bright calendar with charismatic portraits of the President of the Russian Federation.

The country's main leader always looks elegant and fit.

Our calendar is a great solution for a corporate gift!

For your convenience, each calendar spread has grids for the previous and next months, as well as a place for notes.

The calendar grid is designed in a strict business style.

Folded size 290x290 mm, unfolded 290x580 mm, 14 sheets, coated paper 150 g / m2, staple fastening, hole and eyelet for hanging, packed in a bag with an adhesive flap, lined with a sheet of cardboard.

12.30 Price

Spetsnaz Black T-Shirt

Spetsnaz is a general term for special operations forces (Spec Ops). Since this is a general term there are three military branches which posses official Spetsnaz regiments.

The military branches each poses co functional Spetsnaz units.

Ground forces and Air force can be identified by Blue berets, Navy and Marines by Black berets, and The National Guard by red berets. Although this is a Soviet term, many post soviet countries still refer to their special forces as Spetsnaz.

29.95 Price

Yashin T-shirt

Lev Yashin
Size: L

The best goalkeeper of the 20th century, winner of the Golden Ball, 11-time best goalkeeper of the USSR, one of the greatest football players in history.

29.95 Price
T-shirt Cheburashka
  • Out-of-Stock

T-shirt Cheburashka

Size: L

Cheburashka is a character created by the writer Eduard Uspensky in 1966 as one of the main characters in the book "Gena the Crocodile and His Friends" and its sequels.

After the release of Roman Kachanov's cartoon "Gena the Crocodile", based on this book in 1969, the character became widely known.

In the original version of the book, he looked like an awkward creature with large (according to other sources, large oblong) ears and brown fur, walking on his hind legs.

In 1968, Margarita Skripova-Yasinskaya, an artist and sculptor at the Leningrad Marionette Theater, created a puppet with large ears for performances.

The good-natured image of Cheburashka with big ears and big eyes, which is well-known today, first appeared in the cartoon "Gena the Crocodile" in 1969 and was created with the direct participation of the film's production designer Leonid Shvartsman.

After the release of the film, it was initially translated into foreign languages ​​as English Topple, German Kullerchen and Plumps, Swedish Drutten, Finnish Muksis.

29.95 Price

Soldier's hat with earflaps original USSR

Die Uschanka (russisch ушанка uschanka) ist eine auch für extrem kalte Wetterverhältnisse geeignete Kopfbedeckung. In unterschiedlichen Ausführungen wurde sie den verschiedenen Bedürfnissen angepasst.

Die Bezeichnung Uschanka (von russ. у́ши uschi, deutsch ‚Ohren‘) weist auf die Möglichkeit hin, die am Mützenrand eingenähten, nach oben aufgeschlagenen Klappen bei grosser Kälte zum Schutz von Ohren und Nacken herunterzuklappen, je nach Ausführung auch das Stirnteil.

Die Uschanka erfreut sich bei Privatpersonen, verschiedenen Berufsgruppen und Organisationen grosser Beliebtheit. In der Aussenwirkung ist die Uschanka zum Inbegriff der russischen Kopfbedeckung geworden.

  • Wolle.

95.00 Price

Marine Officer Cap with Earflaps

100% genuine leather

This model is preferred not only by working people, but also by men who want to emphasize their status.

In addition, the product meets all the requirements of a high-quality winter hat.

The top layer is made of genuine leather, treated with special moisture-resistant products.

The joints of the four panels of the upper edge are additionally sewn.

All lapels are lined with high-quality faux fur and protect the most sensitive parts of the face from cooling and wind.

If necessary, the lapel with ears can be attached to the crown or chin using straps.

The quilted lining matching the product strengthens the frame and has moisture-absorbing properties.

65.00 Price

Russian trapper hat with a Soviet badge

Such hats are perhaps the warmest headwear of all existing ones.

They protect the ears, head and most of the face from wind, frost and precipitation.

65.00 Price
White, 58
White, 56
White, 60
White, 62
Blue, 58
Blue, 56
Blue, 60
Blue, 62

Panzer Private Sammlung von Büchern und Dokumenten

Buch 1
Panzer des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Illustrierte Enzyklopädie. Autor V.N. Schunkow. Verlag Harvest Minsk LLC. Seitenzahl: 334. Auflage: 10.100 Exemplare.

Diese Veröffentlichung enthält Beschreibungen und Bildmaterialien zu den wichtigsten Typen gepanzerter Fahrzeuge, die während des Zweiten Weltkriegs sowohl von Nazi-Deutschland und seinen Verbündeten als auch von den Ländern der Anti-Hitler-Koalition eingesetzt wurden.

Die Rezension besteht aus Abschnitten, die die gepanzerten Fahrzeuge der Armeen der UdSSR, der USA, Englands, Frankreichs, Deutschlands, Italiens, Japans, der Tschechoslowakei und Polens beschreiben.

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120.00 Price


This is a replica of the Soviet KGB secret service (currently FSB) uniform badge.

Size 50 x 32 mm.

Metal, hot enamel.

High quality.

59.95 Price

Fedor Emelianenko Metallschild

Fedor Emelianenko, 'The Last Emperor'.
Metal sign.
UV printed iron wall art 20x30cm.

Durable indoor/outdoor decoration with pre-drilled holes, waterproof vintage poster.

25.95 Price


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